hawo hawo

Raadinaya xalal hawo badan oo xoog leh? Warbixinteena hawada ayaa bixisa xakameynta hawo-mareenka ee aan caadiga ahayn ee deegaan kasta. Ku habboon warshadaha, ganacsiga, iyo goobaha deegaanka, hambalyadayada waa xoog, waara, waxaana loogu talagalay hawlgalka aamusnaanta. Ka xulo farqiyo badan oo la qaadan karo oo la isticmaali karo oo ku habboon baahiyahaaga hawo gaarka ah. Kooxda khubarada ah ayaa halkan u jooga inay siiyaan hagitaan iyo tilmaamo rajo-celin, hubinta nidaamyada HVAC-daada iyo hanaannada ay hargabku u socdaan si habsami leh oo hufan. Xulo jahawareerkeena hawada si loogu kalsoonaan karo, tamar-tamarta, iyo xalalka hawo-mareenka ee la buuxiyo shuruudahaaga gaarka ah.

DSX-155 (DSX-155H176N4P1A-1) taageere Centrifuugal

DSX-155 (DSX-155H176P1A-1) Faneedka Centrifugal waa aalad dhaqdhaqaaq hawo sare oo aad u sarreeya oo loogu talagalay dalbashada codsiyada warshadaha iyo ganacsiyada. Iyada oo ay la socoto naqshadeeda adag iyo astaamaha horumarsan, taageereni waxay xaqiijineysaa wareegga hawada ee hufan iyo qaanuunka heerkulka, taasoo ka dhigaysa mid ku habboon hawo badan iyo baahiyo qaboojin.

Nala soo xiriir

Dsx-160h labajibbaara

Falalka 'DSX-160h' ee Labaad ee Dukaanku waa xalka hawo-mareenka iyo wax ku oolka ah ee wax ku ool ah loogu talagalay in lagu nadiifiyo iyo baahiyaha hawo-mareenka. Iyada oo leh awooddeeda hawo-mareenkeeda iyo shuruudaha ugu yar, taageerayaashaan si aan kala go 'lahayn ayaa lagu dhex geliyaa nidaamyo kaladuwan, taasoo ka dhigaysa doorashada ugu habboon ee codsiyada badan.

Nala soo xiriir

DSX-EC143 / DSX-EC143h103n8p1A-1 EC-centrifuugal-taageere-

Soo bandhigida Deshengxin EC143 ECE Centrifugal Fannar, hawo hawo sare oo loogu talagalay codsiyada warshadaha iyo ganacsiyada kala duwan. Feejignaanta naqshadeynta Centrifugal horumarsan, iyo xasaasiyad sax ah, iyo mid adag oo laga sameeyay agab tayo sare leh, taageereni waxay xaqiijineysaa hawo-mareenka iyo xasilloonida inta la gaarsiinayo keyd tamar ah iyo heerar dhawaq hoose. Ku habboon qolka nadiifinta, sheybaarrada, qolalka hawl-galka isbitaalka, iyo aqoon isweydaarsiyada cuntada, EC143 waxay bixisaa xalka lagu kalsoonaan karo oo ku saabsan dayactirka hawada hawada gudaha iyo raaxada hawada.

Nala soo xiriir

DSX-EC143 / DSX-EC143h103n8p1A-1 ec-centrifugal-fan

The DSX-EC145 EC-Centrifugal Fan is an innovative ventilation solution designed to deliver high-volume airflow with minimal energy consumption and noise. Its centrifugal design ensures efficient air movement, making it suitable for a wide range of ventilation and cooling applications in industrial, commercial, and residential settings.

Nala soo xiriir

Dsx-ec145 ec-centrifugal-fan-koobi

The EC-190 fan is a centrifugal fan equipped with an Electrical Commutation (EC) motor, which is a brushless DC outer rotor motor. It combines the advantages of high intelligence, high energy efficiency, long lifespan, low vibration, and low noise, ensuring continuous and uninterrupted operation.

Nala soo xiriir

Dsx-ec145 ec-centrifugal-fardaha fanaan-koobiga

The EC195-2(DSX-EC195H136N8P1A-2) EC Blower is a premium ventilation solution that sets the benchmark for efficiency, reliability, and versatility. Combining robust construction with cutting-edge EC motor technology, this blower offers unparalleled performance for a wide range of applications, including industrial, commercial, and HVAC systems. With its advanced features and user-friendly controls, the EC195-2 is designed to meet the demanding ventilation needs of modern spaces.

Nala soo xiriir

Dsx-ec195------ if

Introducing the DSX-EC155(DSX-EC155H176N8P1A-2) EC-Centrifugal Blower Fan, a cutting-edge ventilation solution designed to deliver high-volume airflow with minimal energy consumption and noise. Engineered for versatility and efficiency, this fan is perfect for a wide range of applications, including industrial, commercial, and residential settings. With its advanced EC motor, centrifugal design, and robust construction, the DSX-EC155 stands out as a reliable and cost-effective ventilation solution.

Nala soo xiriir

Dsx-ec155 ec-centrifuugal fan-koobi

The DSX-EC200 blower fan, powered by advanced EC motor technology, is a high-performance ventilation solution designed for various industrial, commercial, and HVAC systems. With its efficient energy conversion, low noise, and stable airflow output, the EC200 is an ideal choice for applications such as data centers, server rooms, factories, warehouses, shopping malls, hospitals, and purification ventilation equipment like air shower rooms.

Nala soo xiriir

DSX-EC200 EC200 EC Blue Fan-koobi

The DSX-EC239 EC Blower Fan represents the cutting edge in ventilation technology, leveraging advanced EC motor technology to deliver efficient energy conversion and reduced energy consumption. Designed for versatility and reliability, this fan is perfect for a wide range of applications, including grain warehouses, data centers, server rooms, factories, and more. With its sophisticated control system and high-performance DC brushless motor, the DSX-EC239 ensures smooth, consistent airflow and minimal maintenance.

Nala soo xiriir
Nala soo xiriir

Magaca can't be empty

* iimaylka

iimaylka can't be empty


Taleefanka can't be empty


Shirkadda can't be empty

* Fariinta

Fariinta can't be empty
